
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Art Word Wall

This year in art, we incorporated more literacy in our art curriculum.  I began a "word wall" and posted it in the art room.  Then when we discussed a new art word, I could show them them the correct spelling and add it to our wall.  I had the students, yes, even the little ones, to write the art word and the definition of the back of each artwork.  

 Then when they are looking back over their work years from now, they'll be able to remember exactly what they learned during that project!

 The work in progress word wall!  We will be adding more to it next year!


  1. What a great idea to have the students write the words on the back of their artwork! I will definitely be implementing that -- it helps with handwriting and literacy skills. :)

    1. Thanks visiting my blog and for your nice comments!
