Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Snowy owls

As we are wrapping up some of our winter projects this week, I can't help but to wish for some snow to go along with them!  I know they're getting a ton of it in the Northeast this week, so maybe they can share a little with us? :) It doesn't snow often here in the south, but when it does, it's like Christmas all over again!  At least for me it is!  Here are a few of the snowy owl trees 1st grade is finishing this week. I found this one on Pinterest a couple of years ago and I was happy to try them this year!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Lantern instructions!!

Before Christmas break I sent my 4th graders home with a little homework task.  
They cut the pieces for this lantern out during class but we ran out of time to finish, so I gave them a little challenge... To finish it at home and bring it back for a prize! I had some students finish it at school but if you haven't quite gotten it, hopefully these step by step photos will help!  Remember you need 10 strips to put it together... 

Start by interlocking the top of two strips..

Continue this pattern...

...alternating colors as you choose until you get them all in place.  Then evenly space them out.

Then carefully flip the entire thing over...

 Pull one piece up to the middle...

...and interlock the next strip into the first...

Continue this pattern, one strip beside the next until all pieces are interlocked into a peppermint swirl pattern like the bottom of the lantern.

If all the pieces are put together correctly, it should stay together when you're finished! :)