Thursday, September 27, 2018

Moving to the middle school!

So here we are almost at the end of September... and I’m just now writing my first blog post!  It’s taken me a bit to get oraganized, as I have made a change this year!  I’ve taught elementary art for 14 years, and even though I’ve taught middle school age students before, this is my first experience at a true middle school. 

Let me start by saying... my room is like a dream! Over the years I’ve had a lot of not-so-roomy art rooms, as well as nonexistent rooms 😂 when I had to teach on a cart.   I’ve ALWAYS been split between two schools, which is another world of challenges and have shared my classroom with other classes and after school programs as well. It still feels so strange to go to the same school every day! 

While I greatly miss the staff at my two elementary schools, the staff at the middle school is also completely amazing, and I feel so blessed to be able to work with such a fantastic group of teachers.  An extra bonus? I know 2/3 of the students from my two elementary schools! It has been so neat to see them all again! I thought I’d share a few pics of my room that I took before school started!

I have a bulletin board outside my room and TONS of tack strips for artwork in the hallways, which are already FULL of some amazing stuff! I’ll share those soon!

Does it get much better than being able to decorate with all the colors at once?! :)

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